5 Components of a High Converting Funnel

Ready to supercharge your funnel game? Dive into the world of high-converting funnels with Episode 1 of the Funnel Podcast!
Written by Jody Jelas
December 22, 2023

🚀 Ready to supercharge your funnel game? 🎉 Dive into the world of high-converting funnels with Episode 1 of the Funnel Podcast! I’m Jody Jelas, and I’m about to share two decades of funnel mastery that’ll leave you inspired.

Buckle up for a thrilling journey as we unveil the *5 Pillars of a High-Converting Funnel* that stand strong no matter how technology evolves. 🎙️

*Episode Highlights:*

1. The Delivery Jam: Your unique style sets the tone for success. Craft your business around your lifestyle and share your genius in a way that resonates. Are you a performer at heart or a visual storyteller? Tailor your delivery to match your audience’s preferences and ignite action.

2. Dive into Their Psychology: Get inside your audience’s heads and understand their decision-making process. Craft your funnel to lead them from pain to pleasure, trigger emotions, and make your offer an irresistible no-brainer.

3. Funnels: Simplicity and Mastery: Less is more when it comes to funnels. Master two carefully crafted funnels, ensuring they flow seamlessly like a well-oiled machine. Metrics are your compass on this journey of continuous improvement.

4. Traffic: Lifeblood of Your Funnel: Funnel success demands eyeballs! Explore Google, Facebook, or even TikTok ads to flood your masterpiece with eager eyes. Focus on conquering one or two social media platforms and consider referrals and joint ventures for added impact.

5. Metrics: Your True North: Imagine your funnel as a slot machine—tracking metrics is the key to unlocking continuous success. These numbers are your treasure map to untapped riches.

If you need high-converting sales funnels done completely for you by a crack team of high-converting funnel experts with over 1000 funnels built to date, then go to https://www.phunnelbuilders.com


Dive into the world of profitable sales funnels with "6 Strategies My Most Successful Clients Use to Increase Profits from Sales Funnels." From mastering upselling to leveraging social proof, these step-by-step techniques are tailored to help both seasoned entrepreneurs and budding startup founders maximize their online profits. Download now when you subscribe to the podcast.

6 Strategies My Most Successful Clients Use to Increase Profits from Sales Funnels

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About the Author

Jody Jelas

Jody Jelas, the CEO of Phunnel Builders, has been in the online strategy industry for 24 years, helping clients make millions online. She's a best-selling author of LadyBalls and has travelled the world speaking on stage about business strategy and creative marketing ideas online. She has built a team of Kartra experts who understand high-converting strategies and are waiting to take your funnel project and fast-track it to success.



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Jody Jelas is a Speaker, Best-Selling Author, and over 25 years experience as a Business Strategy Expert 

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